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Tag: Supernatural

Positively Positive Review – Creation’s Salute to Supernatural 2010 – Los Angeles, CA

by on Apr.08, 2010, under Conventions, Creation Entertainment

Creaton banner

The last time I reviewed a Creation convention (Firefly/Serenity this past November), I made a remark that going to these events has started to feel like home to me. This convention was no different. In fact it was probably even more so, as this year’s event marks my third Supernatural Creation convention.

Once again I attended as a Gold Member and really enjoyed all of the benefits this ticket price offers. I bought my ticket last year so I got a slightly better seat this year at all the panels (row F, in the center). Plus my friend and I got to pick out our table at the special “Breakfast with Jared and Jensen”. We were center for that and pretty close so I had no trouble seeing the guys and enjoying what they had to tell us about shooting the series this year.

The other thing I like about going Gold is that it gives you free autographs with each guest. Every year Creation invites more and more new guests so I now have quite a few signatures (21 at last count) on a poster that I’ve brought to every convention so far. That is more than worth it for me since that poster is pretty much ready to be “retired” now (in other words, framed and put up in my living room).

This year I had a friend who not only went Gold but also paid for “VIP” tickets. I had heard about these tickets but didn’t have a lot of interest in them. I had heard that they allowed you to go backstage and I mistakenly thought that meant that you had to sit back there. I couldn’t imagine why someone would want to do that. LOL.

But boy was I ever wrong. All weekend my friend kept coming back to our hotel room (we hardly ever saw her during the day since we all had different seats) to regale us with stories from backstage. She got to meet with each every guest, was first in line for all signings, photo-ops, etc. Basically she had a freaking blast and I have to admit that I was just a smidge jealous.

This year they had some interactive voting which was pretty fun. Categories like “favorite car” and “favorite villain” were voted by texting on your phone and the results appeared on screen instantly! That was pretty freaking cool.

The guests were all wonderful and I enjoyed seeing some new faces (Kurt Fuller, Rob Benedict and Mark Pellegrino) as well as all of the familiar ones like Jared and Jensen of course and Jim Beaver, the “Ghostfacers” (AJ and Travis), etc. All of the guests seem to really enjoy being there which has to say a lot about how they are treated not only by us fans, but also by the Creation crew. Happy guests make for a much more pleasant experience so I appreciate all the crew does to keep them (as well as us) happy.

The staff as always was super friendly and after a few “glitches” on the first day picking up our tickets, etc, it was pretty much smooth sailing from then on out. This year I got a lot of attention because a friend of mine had made a stuffed/pillow version of the ’67 Impala that the guys drive on the show. So by the end of the con I had been dubbed “the Impala lady” by quite a few of the Creation team. In fact they liked it so much that they even declared it the winner of the centerpiece contest at Saturday night’s dessert party.

Also when talking about the staff I can’t go without saying how grateful I am to one staff member, who’s name unfortunately I never got. At the very end of the convention my friend and I were heading back to our room and discussing my poster (which I was still holding up to allow the ink to dry from the last signature). One of the staff members walked into step beside us and began to chat, he then asked me to hang on for a second and began patting down his pockets. Within seconds he produced a silver sharpie and presented it to me, saying that it was Jared’s from the signing earlier in the day. I still have no idea why he chose to give it to me, but it was so sweet. I’m embarrassed now that I didn’t think to ask the gentleman’s name but I think I was in shock. LOL.

Overall I’d have to say that these conventions appear to do nothing but get better and better. I am already starting to make plans to go to next year’s Los Angeles convention again and am even trying to figure out how I can attend some others, like the Vancouver one, etc. I’m also gonna try really hard to get my hand on a VIP pass. ;o)

Louden Swain concert (held at Creation’s Salute to Supernatural convention – LA 2010)

Creation’s Salute Firefly/Serenity convention – Los Angeles 2009

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: My Bloody Valentine

by on Feb.13, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

Supernatural My Bloody Valentine

When I sat down to watch this week’s Supernatural, I have to admit that I was expecting another comedy episode. The preview last week, plus another clip I caught on the fan page on Facebook, made it seem like this was going to be a regular laugh-fest. Boy was I wrong.

Instead we saw some of the hardest scenes I’ve had to watch with the Winchesters. After all the hard work it took to get Sam off the demon blood, Famine rides into town and gives it right back to him. The worst part is that he has to use it to save them all and in doing so, it gives him more power than ever and makes it that much harder for him to come down again.

Plus there was Dean. I knew Dean wasn’t happy but hey, when is Dean ever really happy, right? I had no idea just how bad off he was. Even when he didn’t appear to be affected by Famine, I believed his explanation of being “well fed”. In the beginning I even thought maybe the sadness we were seeing was a symptom of Famine, since Dean could be yearning for a life he didn’t have. Neither was correct and it turned out that the truth was much worse. Dean has given up the fight in the worst possible way, all the way down to his very soul and even goes so far as to beg for help from Heaven.

We have six long weeks to find out what happens next and I am very nervous to see who (or what) answers Dean’s plea.


Giggling over the title, seeing as how Jensen starred in a movie by the same name just last year (awesome flick by the way).

That opening scene was just….wow.

Finding that Dean used to love Valentine’s Day and dubbed it “Unattached Drifter Christmas”

“Now prison maybe…” *foot falls off chair* – okay seriously, that was hysterical. Loved the way they cut that little sequence.

Sam’s appetite for demon blood returning and him being able to hear a demon’s heart beating, vampire-like.

I liked the coroner – that guy was cool.

Dean shoving a human heart at Sam and saying “be my valentine.” – LOL!

Dean and Cas having a phone conversation while standing right in front of each other.

Finding out that Cupid is a “cherub, third class.” – that means there at least two more classes of cherubs. Wow, who knew it was that organized?

The look on the boys’ faces as a great big fat (and I’m assuming naked since we never saw above his knees or below his chest) guy hugged them.

“This is their handshake” – “I don’t like it” – “No one likes it” – LOL!! Awesome lines.

Cas clumsily trying to reassure Cupid.

Finding out that a Cupid was involved with setting up Mary and John so that Dean and Sam would be born. Whoa, I guess Heaven was not messing around.

Dean asking “what’s the worse than happen, right?” – Really Dean? After all that you’ve been through, you still ask that question??

Another Doublemint moment as Sam and Dean ask “for what?” as one when Cas mentions that his hunger is a clue to what is happening.

Cas’s hunger for burgers coming from his vessel. Interesting. I didn’t think a vessel could have any effect on the angel inhabiting them.

Sam admitting to Dean that the Horsemen got to him and that his demon bloodlust had returned. I was so afraid he was going to try and hide it. It was hard watching Dean handcuff him to that sink though,even if he asked for it.

Feeling sorry for Misha knowing that by the end of the shoot he was probably so sick of hamburgers. LOL.

Dean telling Cas that he was “well fed”. Great line and it made a lot of sense…..too bad he was wrong.

Sam taking on two demons, his face covered in blood and telling one of them to “wait your turn”. Okay that actually gave me chills. Scary.

Dean only waiting two seconds before knowing that something was wrong with Cas.

Being so very, very happy that Dean didn’t pull out the guy in french fry vat.

Cas, on the floor and gorging himself on raw meat. Ick.

Dean equating Famine’s powers with the phrase “Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs”. Only Dean could do that.

Famine reaching inside to see Dean’s soul and finding the emptiness he’s been hiding. I didn’t expect that at all.

Dean calling Sam “Sammy” when he sees his brother on the demon blood again – seems like it’s been a while since he’s done that.

Sam taking down a room full of demons all at once. Whoa. I don’t think he was ever that strong before and it was then that I really started worrying about how he would make it out of this whole thing.

Sam killing the demons inside Famine in order to kill Famine himself. That was freaking brilliant.

The look Dean gave Sam, knowing what they were going to have to lock him up again to detox, even after he saved all of their lives. Ugh.

n breaking down and looking to Heaven to ask for help. That was hard to watch. It’s so not like him and now I really have to wonder who’s going to answer and what they’re going to do to “help” him. A part of me was even expecting him to just go ahead and say “yes” right there, bringing Michael down upon him.

Overall a really amazing episode and not at all what I expected when I sat down to watch it.

More Supernatural…..
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 1 “Sympathy For The Devil”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 2 “Good God, Y’All”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 3 “Free To Be You and Me”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 4 “The End”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 5 “Fallen Idols”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 6 “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 8 “Changing Channels”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 9 “The Real Ghostbusters”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 10 “Abandon All Hope”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 11 “Sam, Interrupted”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 12 “Swap Meat”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 13 “The Song Remains The Same”

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: The Song Remains The Same

by on Feb.05, 2010, under Drama, Horror, Television

Young John and Mary Winchest in Supernatural - The Song Remains The Same

For the past couple of episodes, Supernatural has given us a lot of humor mixed with just a little bit of the myth arc. Just when I was beginning to wonder what had happened to the apocalypse, Michael, Lucifer and well, everything, they gave us this fantastic episode.

Anna is out to kill Sam and Dean’s parents so that the two of them are never born and the apocalypse never happens. Cas brings them all back and by doing so, allows both brothers to have conversations with their parents I never thought we’d see, both of which brought me to tears. Dean also got to have a conversation with Michael.


The moment I heard “Cherry Pie” by Warrant, I knew Dean was in a strip club. Sure it was in his dream, but still.

How Cas always makes an entrance. Remind me to keep lots of extra light bulbs on hand in case he ever wants to come visit me….not that I’d mind of course.

Cas saying “You come near Sam Winchester and I’ll kill you.” – So amazing to see how much Cas has changed – calling the boys his friends, protecting them to the death.

Sam asking Cas if the plan to kill him would actually work. He’s so willing to sacrifice himself, if it means an end to it all.

Cas’ stock answer whenever he doesn’t understand what Dean says – “I don’t understand that reference”. It cracks me up because the way he says it, you can tell he’s said it a LOT.

Dean warning Sam to bend his knees before Cas sends them back. Poor guy, he’s been tossed around by Cas a lot.

Dean knowing they had made it to 1978 when he spotted a Pinto. I think my dad used to drive one of those. LOL.

Cas saying that he was doing much better than he expected after taking them all back….and then promptly coughing up blood and passing out. Eek.

Dean saying that Cas is “tough for a little nerdy dude with wings.” – Awwww!

Sam’s reaction to meeting the younger version of his parents and how he couldn’t stop staring at Mary. OMG my heart was just breaking for him.

Dean describing angels as “twice as strong as demons, and bigger dicks.”

The Anna vs Mary totally awesome chick fight.

Sam using the sigil to send away Anna. I had just been asking myself “where the heck is Sam??” – nicely done!

John threatening to turn the car around with Mary in the front seat and Dean and Sam in the back, almost like real family road trip…OMG! So hilarious.

Watching young John going from friendly family man to the guy who does whatever it takes to protect his family, even drawing a symbol he doesn’t understand in his own blood. So odd to see Dean showing young John how to do the things that older John taught him. My poor head was spinning.

The whole conversation between young John and Sam. Young John being angry at how any man could raise his children like that and then Sam defending a man he used to hate, explaining how it was possible for a man to do what his father did and saying that he’d never got the chance to tell his dad that he loved him…..all of it said to the man he was talking about. Okay yeah, major tears were flowing for me by then.

Anna calling 1978 Uriel to help kill the Winchesters. I didn’t expect that.

Dean telling Mary that he was her son. I broke into tears the moment he said it. I had no idea he was going to do that and it shocked the crap out of me.

Everything that Dean said to convince Mary that he was her son – the soup, singing ‘Hey Jude’. So not fair that this show made me cry twice in less than ten minutes.

Sam coming in and telling Mary that she has to leave John so that neither of them will ever be born…..and then finding out that Mary is already pregnant with Dean. Gah!

Watching Sam die….again.

Michael showing up inside young John and killing Anna (at least I’m assuming she’s dead, that didn’t seem like something she could come back from).

I’m with Michael – the conversation between he and Dean was way overdue and I loved it.

Ha! I KNEW it! The vessel thing is a bloodline. I knew that John was connected too.

Seeing the parallels again between Michael & Lucifer and Sam & Dean .

Michael pointing out that all the seemingly random things; have all happened because of fate and there is nothing they can do to change it.

Michael telling Dean that he won’t leave him a drooling mess when he leaves his body. Hmm…interesting that he said that. Once again, makes me nearly certain that Michael will end up in Dean someday and I cannot wait. I’m so looking forward to seeing what Jensen does with that character.

The way Cas just popped into the motel room, very surprised he made it….and promptly passing out again. I love that Cas was basically unconscious through the entire episode.

Dean’s description of “Team Free Will” – LOL!

John and Mary standing in the nursery with Baby!Dean safely inside his mommy’s tummy, and them looking at the little angel figurine. Is it wrong that it made me wonder if they bought a little devil figurine before Sam was born?

Overall another tear jerker of an episode, bringing us closer to the inevitable battle that we all know is coming.

More Supernatural…..
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 1 “Sympathy For The Devil”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 2 “Good God, Y’All”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 3 “Free To Be You and Me”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 4 “The End”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 5 “Fallen Idols”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 6 “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 8 “Changing Channels”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 9 “The Real Ghostbusters”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 10 “Abandon All Hope”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 11 “Sam, Interrupted”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 12 “Swap Meat”

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: Swap Meat

by on Jan.29, 2010, under Drama, Horror, Television

Jared Padalecki and guest star Colton James in Supernatural, season 5, episode 12 “Swap Meat”. Supernatural Swap Meat

Well it finally happened. I’ve been to three Supernatural panels at Comic-Con, plus another three Supernatural conventions, and at every single one, the idea of a “body switching” episode has been brought up. Mostly, the fangirls wanted to see an episode where Sam and Dean switch bodies, but this was almost as good.

About 20 minutes into it though, I have to admit that a part of me started to think that it was funny and all, but what if things got serious? I mean there’s a 17 year old boy running around in a body that Lucifer really, really, really wants. What if the demons found out? What if Lucifer asked the kid that one simple question? Jeesh, hasn’t anyone thought of this??

Yeah so I’m a dork, of COURSE Kripke and crew thought of that, and that’s when things got really interesting.


Jared pulling off acting like a 17 year old perfectly. Everything from his mannerisms to the tone of his voice was spot-on. His delivery of “Crystal, I would loooove to have the sex with you” had me on the floor.

Sam and Dean meeting up with their old babysitter. So interesting to think of them actually having something almost normal like a babysitter – even if she was a maid in a hotel.

Dean telling Sam “you shake it up, baby” when Sam was shaking his salad cup.

Sam telling Dean that the idea of a family is “not really my thing anymore”. Aw, that’s so sad. Poor Sam has changed so much since the first season.

Not being able to help giggling at Sam (aka the Sasquatch) going down from a tranquilizer dart….and waking up in that ridiculous uniform.

Sam catching his reflection in the mirror and yelling “Who is that!??”

Okay wait, I’m confused. If Sam sees the kid’s body in a mirror then how come the kid can see Sam’s body (and admire the very fine muscles on it) in a mirror? Guess we’re chalking that one up to artistic license.

Totally predicting that the kid was gonna smash up the Impala right before he did it.

Sam in the Darth Vader t-shirt.

The guy in the hotel describing the guys who left the motel as “one leather jacket, one Sasquatch”. LOL!

Sam calling the kid “you little Satanic bastard.”

Sam asking very strange questions about “himself” at the breakfast table.

The look on Dean’s face when “Sam” asks to turn up the Bob Seger. Made me wonder at what point he would realize that wasn’t his brother.

The kid turning the gun on Dean??? Whoa!….for once I was actually happy to see a ghost. Her timing was great.

Sam getting hit, again, with the dart gun.

Dean’s first response to “Sam” telling him he’s a good guy is “Wow, you are drunk.” Kinda sad but also pretty darn funny.

Dean finally catching on when the kid walks out with the lady from the bar and says “we’re gonna do it!!”.

The red-headed kid holding Sam captive totally reminding me of a young Steve Zahn.

Finding out that the demons have put a bounty on Dean’s head. Wow, they don’t mess around, do they?

Things going from silly to serious as the demon realizes that they’ve got Dean and Sam’s “meat suit” all ready for them to grab. Eek!

The idiot kid asking for his reward and me knowing exactly what was going to happen to him.

Poor Sam realizing he was never going to break free of those ropes in that puny little body.

Dean and the kid doing a tag team exorcism. That was so cool and it looks like Dean finally memorized the darn thing after all these years….okay except for the “adios” part.

Dean telling the kid that if he was voting age they would’ve killed him. Yikes. I guess it’s true but still…yikes.

Sam telling the kid to stop griping cuz his life ain’t that bad….and then admitting to Dean that the kid’s life sucked ass.

Dean’s “welcome back, Kotter” when Sam asks to turn down the Bob Seger. Yep all is as it should be again.

Overall a funny “body switching” episode that ended up being a lot darker and a lot more connected to the myth arc than I originally thought.

More Supernatural…..
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 1 “Sympathy For The Devil”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 2 “Good God, Y’All”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 3 “Free To Be You and Me”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 4 “The End”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 5 “Fallen Idols”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 6 “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 8 “Changing Channels”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 9 “The Real Ghostbusters”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 10 “Abandon All Hope”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 11 “Sam, Interrupted”

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: Sam, Interrupted.

by on Jan.22, 2010, under Drama, Horror, Television

Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles in Supernatural season 5, episode 11 “Sam, Inuterrupted”. Image from

    Supernatural Sam Interrupted

Supernatural returned from its two month hiatus (also known as a “hellatus” to most of us fans) and delivered another one of those episodes where the overall premise is comedic, but still has a lot of serious stuff as well.

Sam and Dean get themselves admitted to a mental hospital where people are supposedly being killed by a “monster”. They eventually start going crazy for real and all their (pardon the pun) demons come out to (pardon another pun) haunt them. They eventually get the better of the monster but not before allowing us to get more insight into each of them.


The fact that Sam and Dean only had to tell the truth about their lives to get admitted to a mental hospital.

The doc telling Dean “the relationship you have with your brother seems dangerously co-dependent” – LOL, yeah no kidding. Don’t you watch the show at all, doc?

You know, Dean telling the doc that he only sleeps 3-4 hours every other day or so, has more than 50 drinks a week and has never been in a long term relationship – really does actually make him sound kinda crazy.

Dean describing his time with the doc as being “thraped”, which I assume means…”thought raped”? I looked it up online but the only other definition I found that seemed close was “drive like it was stolen” so I guess he could’ve meant that it felt like the doc drove his brain. Yeah, I don’t know.

Sam chopping off the dead guy’s head and yanking out his brain – yikes. And here I thought he was the squeamish one.

Dean dropping his pants and yelling “Pudding!” – the extra little wiggly dance he added was a nice touch and absolutely hilarious.

Once again, in the midst of the comedy, the show throws in some seriousness as Dean opens up to the doc about how it’s his job to save everyone in the world. It really is a horrible burden to put on anyone.

Wendy throwing herself on Sam saying “I want him now, he’s larger”. And Dean telling him “You’ve had worse.”

Sam telling Dean he felt “Spectaculacular”. I’m so gonna start using that word now.

Sam telling Dean he loves him! Woot! And the fangirls can now dance with joy. Yeah sure it was while under the influence of some major drugs, but hey he said it and that’s all that counts, right?

Finding out that the doc Dean’s been talking to is only in his head. Whoa, that totally messed with my head too.

Sam lashing out at all of the people in his head while Dean sat in the background mumbling to himself. Totally creepy.

Even with all the craziness going on in his head, Dean still figuring out the connection and knowing that he and Sam must have been infected by something. Way to go, Dean!

You know, that wraith has a point – going in there and talking about monsters did pretty much give Sam and Dean away right off the bat. They may want to remember than next time.

Dean saying “Tom Cruise was right, shrinks suck.” – loved it!

Sam admitting that he’s mad at everything and Dean telling him that burying all that crap inside was how they keep going. So true and so very sad.

Overall another fun episode that still managed to mix in a bunch of serious stuff to keep us angst-happy fans satisfied.

More Supernatural…..
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 1 “Sympathy For The Devil”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 2 “Good God, Y’All”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 3 “Free To Be You and Me”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 4 “The End”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 5 “Fallen Idols”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 6 “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 8 “Changing Channels”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 9 “The Real Ghostbusters”
Supernatural, Season 5, episode 10 “Abandon All Hope”

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