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Tag: Gattlin Griffith

Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: I Believe the Children Are Our Future

by on Oct.18, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and guest star Gattlin Griffith in Supernatural, season 5, episode 6 “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”. Image from www.supernaturalfansonline.comSupernatural Believe Children

This episode was a standard “MOTW” (monster of the week) for Supernatural….that turns out to be not so much. Sam and Dean go to a town where mysterious things are happening and people are dying in strange ways. Everything seems to add up to a normal (well, normal for them anyway) type of case fot the two hunters. Until they find out the boy responsible is demon spawn and Cas wants to kill him.


The way the kid said “I can’t, I’m dead” when the babysitter asked him to go to bed. Such a great delivery, totally cracked me up.

A guy giving us the opening scream for once. That dude totally screamed like a girl.

Finding out the girl scratched her brains out. Ick. Though I’m confused, wouldn’t it be hard to get past your skull? Hmmm..

Dean talking about his babysitters. Funny but I never thought of Dean having babysitters since we’ve always seen him doing the babysitting for Sam.

Ha! I saw that coming. When I saw the guy’s burned up boots I totally knew it was going to be because of a hand buzzer. Don’t ask me why.

Dean and Sam gearing up to test the buzzer. Where in the heck did they get the goggles? Very Dr. Horrible-like.

Sam calling Dean “Mr. Wizard”.

Dean of course snacking on the ham once they were done testing.

Sam rolling his eyes at Dean’s excitement over the whoopee cushion.

The guy at the magic shop wearing a Siegfried and Roy t-shirt.

The very creepy tooth fairy. Somehow I never pictured her….er him, looking like that.

Dean doing the “his face froze that way” face for Sam.

Sam acting surprised that Dean was still snarfing the ham when he walked in. Really Sam? Don’t you know your brother better than that?

Dean’s hair palm! LOL!!! Okay I have to say that as soon as they realized everything was based on stuff kids believe I wondered if we’d see that particular myth come to life. Didn’t think the show had the guts to do it but they did. Nice!!

(NOTE: I’m updating this post to add a little info on what Dean’s hairy palms meant. Apparently not everyone knows this myth. Well there’s no delicate way to say this so I’m just gonna come right out with it…it means he was masturbating, folks. Oh and yes, Sam was right, the other myth about doing…erm…”that” is that one can go blind. Guess Dean’s lucky that Jesse hadn’t been told that one. LOL)

Sam’s disgust when he saw Dean’s hand and Dean’s explanation (“I was bored and that nurse was hot”) was hilarious.

The kid telling Sam “it’s called soup. You heat it up and eat it.” – I think I like this kid.

Dean telling the kid that the hand buzzer was harmless and then trying it on Sam to prove it.

The way they shot the whole scene as Jesse’s mom talked about what happened to her while she was pregnant. The extreme close-ups made her story even more scary and sad.

Huh, when Dean said they needed help I kinda thought they were gonna call Bobby. Interesting that they called Cas instead.

Cas very seriously telling Sam and Dean that the kid is demon spawn……and then sitting down on the whoopee cushion. The sounds it produced, Sam and Dean’s reaction and the ultra calm way Cas declared “that wasn’t me”  had me rolling on the floor!

Cas getting in Sam’s face and pointing out that Sam didn’t make the right choice when it was put before him and now Cas couldn’t make that mistake again. Wow. Didn’t realize how much anger Cas had towards Sam about everything.

Cas going to the boy, speaking so softly and reassuring, obviously not happy about what he had to was very frightening and yet I felt for both of them. The boy who had no knowledge of what was happening and the angel forced to do something so heinous as killing a child.

Once again an uber serious moment followed by an uber funny one. I totally want a Cas doll now.

Dean telling Jesse that he was a super hero, was going to be trained as one and even the guy who was going to train him was in a wheelchair. Aw, so cute!

The demon leaving Sam alone saying that she wasn’t allowed to hurt him but then proceeding to slam Dean around the room because “hurting you is encouraged.” Yikes.

Unlike Lucifer, listening to the demon bitch tell the boy the whole story of his life and try to talk him into going with her just made me wanna smack her. I was so happy when the kid slammed her in a chair and shut her up.

Sam telling Jesse everything and that he was hoping Jesse could make the right choice when he couldn’t…..okay cue some tears.

Dean holding the Cas doll and asking Jesse to turn him back because “he’s a buddy of mine” – awww!

Sam telling Jesse that he and Sam were freaks themselves. If anyone can begin to understand what that kid is going through, it would be those two.

No surprise to me that the boy took off. Honestly, I think I might too after hearing that sort of news. Doubt that’s the last we’ll see of him though. I wonder….if he can kill angels with a word, could he do the same to demons or Lucifer?

Oh man, Dean admitting that he wished his father had lied to them, that was almost too much. So sad, but really what other choice did John have?

Overall a strong episode that started out funny but ended pretty sad as Sam and Dean had to face some hard fact from their past while trying to protect a young boy from the horrors they’ve had to endure all their lives.

More Supernatural….

Supernatural, Season 5, episode 1 “Sympathy For The Devil”

Supernatural, Season 5, episode 2 “Good God, Y’All”

Supernatural, Season 5, episode 3 “Free To Be You and Me”

Supernatural, Season 5, episode 4 “The End”

Supernatural, Season 5, episode 5 “Fallen Idols”

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