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Tag: Misha Collins

Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: Free To Be You and Me

by on Sep.25, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

Dean teaches Cas the art of being a hunter in Supernatural – Free To Be You and Me.
Dean and Cas.

Lucifer pleads his case to Sam in Supernatural – Free To Be You and Me.
Sam and Lucifer

Special thanks to for song info from this ep.

Every week it seems like I start out my review of this show with something like “this was a great episode”. I’m trying to be more original, but how can I when Krikpe and company keep turning out great episodes?

In this episode we see what life is like for Sam and Dean now that they’ve decided to go their separate ways for a while. Each of them has their own adventure of sorts and has to battle their own demons….or angels, as the case may be.


Seeing Jess again.

Okay seriously, the music this season is top notch. Not since the first season do I remember having this many songs that went with the show so well. “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd is going on my iPod asap. This one was so emotional and so perfect for the brothers as we watch them trying to move on without each other.

Dean using the term exsanguinated and me knowing what that means thanks to an episode NCIS. Also the fact that my spell checker keeps telling me it’s spelled wrong, even though I’ve check it in a bunch of references.

Cas once again scaring the crap out of Dean and then getting way too much into his personal space.

“You were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?” – Best line ever!

Cas basically begging for Dean’s help because he’s the only one who can and will help. Wow.

Dean admitting that the last time Cas zapped him to another location, he didn’t poop for a week. Um Dean…..TMI. KTHXBAI.

Okay so at this point the CW went off the air for about 2 minutes. I know this because not only did I miss two minutes of the show, but so did my friends, who have a different satellite network. Hopefully I didn’t miss much.

Back to the highlights…

Dean teaching Cas the art of basically being a hunter – lying, using a fake I.D., etc. Too awesome.

Getting a lot of little facts about vessels – things like the fact that there is a communication line between a vessel and the angel; the stronger the angel, the more the vessel is harmed by it, etc. Why do I think all of this info is going to be referenced in upcoming episodes? Hmmm…

Finding out that not only do angels apparently have sex, but that Cas is a virgin.

Dean of course deciding that there is no way Cas is going to die a virgin and taking him to a whorehouse. The look on Cas’ face was priceless. Misha nailed it.

Sam trying so hard to move on, but not being able to help himself and researching hunts anyway.

The hooker that chose Cas is named Chastity. Nice. Plus Dean giving Cas advice before he sends him off with her.

Cas of course not being able to seal the deal as his mouth got in the way, again.

Dean cracking up at Cas and realizing with shock how long it had been since he laughed that hard.

Sam telling his story to the chick in the bar without mentioning demons, angels or hunting. That took some talent. Interesting that she spotted that he was an addict of sorts too.

Seeing that Cas has apparently learned a lot from Dean. Him saying “Come and get me, you little bastard” was awesome.

Dean and Cas trapping Raphael back at the house, knowing of course that he’d show up there.

Raphael’s lightning wings. So cool.

God is dead?? Say what?

Finding out that most hunters seem to be just on the edge of going insane. How many crazy ones have come after Sam now? Three? Seems like he’s more in danger from other hunters than he ever was from anything supernatural. Jeesh.

Seeing Dean’s reaction when Raphael talks about how his Father “ran off and disappeared and left no instructions” – sounds familiar doesn’t it, Dean?

Lucifer raised Cas? Oh man, that’s intense. Raphael’s right though, it does add up.

Cas telling Raphael “Today you’re my little bitch.” – I think Dean is seriously rubbing off on him.

Sam managing to kick the asses of two other hunters and spit out the blood they tried shoving down his throat. Yeah! Way to go, Sammy! Nobody messes with a Winchester.

The normal “heart to heart in the Impala” talk taking place between Cas and Dean this time and Dean encouraging Cas to do what’s in his heart.

Finding out that Dean is happy without Sam. Wow, I never expected that. In the beginning he was the one that wanted the family all together. Now he’s admitting that he’s having more fun with Cas (who’s not fun) than he’s had with Sam in year. I can’t say I blame the poor guy but yeah, that was a surprise.

Cas disappearing on Dean in the middle of his “I’m happier alone” speech. Nice way to prove a point, Cas.

Finding out that “Jess” is actually Lucifer. Wow, something else I didn’t see coming. You gotta admire his style though. He really does know the exact buttons to press with each person. Once again I find him very intriguing, dynamic, and much more beguiling than most of the other angels. I find it interesting how they are writing him as compared to his supposedly kinder cousins. Lucifer has been nothing but quiet, kind, and gentle with those he’s trying to convince, as opposed to the angels who have been mostly nothing but bullies. Very interesting.

Aha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Once again I saw this coming. At the end of last season I expected that Lucifer was going to try and use Sam as a vessel. In fact I remember being quite disappointed when it didn’t happen. I was predicting that Dean would have to fight Sam (as Lucifer). Well now I’m predicting that the fight is still going to happen, with Dean as Michael and Sam as Lucifer. Brother against brother, angel against angel. Holy cow!!!

Overall another amazing episode. One where we got to see how Sam and Dean are surviving without each other and what challenges are coming for them in the future.

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: Good God, Y’All

by on Sep.22, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

Sam and Dean in Good God Y’all. Image from
Sam and Dean. Image from

The second episode of this season brought back a few familiar faces from seasons past and I was very happy to see them. Makes me wonder if they’ll continue to bring back more characters from previous seasons and also if we’ll see more of the ones we’ve already seen.

A highly tense episode with lots of action and a good amount of angst thrown in for good measure, this one had everything that makes Supernatural the great show that it is.


Once again a great song in the opening montage – “Long, Long Way from Home”  by Foreigner.

Cas calling on the cell phone was hilarious. Hadn’t thought about how he wouldn’t be able to find the guys either, now that he’s marked them with a sigil.

Loved seeing the sigil on the x-ray. Too rad.

Whoa. Cas is going to find God?

Cas getting all up in Dean’s face, telling him that he sacrificed everything for them. Love it when he gets all tough like that.

Ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! *does a happy dance* I’ve been saying since last season that the amulet Sam gave Dean was going to play a big part one of these days. So when Cas said it would help him find God I actually cheered out loud.

Interesting that Dean seems so attached to the amulet. Considering he and Sam aren’t on the best of terms right now I have to wonder what significance it has for him exactly.

Another great song! Too funny that I had literally just been listening to “Spirit in the Sky” by Norman Greenbaum a few hours before the ep aired. Oh how I love it when they use songs I already have on my iPod. Makes adding them to my own Supernatural Soundtrack that much easier. (thanks to for help with the info on both songs from this ep).

Dean eyeing the red Mustang. Yep, I totally would’ve noticed it too. That was a hot car.

OMG! It’s Ellen! Hi Ellen! Damn, I missed her. Love that the first thing she did was throw holy water in Dean’s face. Some things never change.

Love that Ellen is one of the few people that can make both Dean and Sam shake in their boots, despite being about half their size.

The tension building between Sam and Dean. Wow, you can cut it with a knife. Yes I know that’s cliché but hey, it’s the truth.

The fact that if you watch carefully when Sam kills the “demons” in the store, they don’t flash when he stabs them with the knife. When I saw that I pointed it out to my friends, but I had no idea what the significance of it was. Nice touch.

Oh boy, Sam is thinking about the blood again. No Sammy! Don’t do it!

Sam shoving Dean into a wall for asking him if he really has learned his lesson. Interesting though when you consider that Sam had just admitted to a moment of weakness when he saw all the blood and wished he could save people without killing them. So really, how could Dean not ask him that?

The fact that Ellen spotted that there is something is up between the brothers. She knows them better than they think she does.

OMG! It’s Jo! Hi Jo! Y’all can hate me all you want but I’ve missed her too. Never thought she was right for Dean, but liked her character just the same. Especially after meeting Alona Tal at a convention this year. She is really cool.

Okay I have to admit I was confused as all heck when the “demons” started pouring salt in Sam’s mouth and trying the exorcism on him. My friend figured it out though, theorizing that someone was making everyone in the town see demons where there were none. Great piece of writing, that.

Ellen and Dean going through all the clues and figuring out what was happening. Those two work well together.

Dean knowing exactly where to go in the Bible to find reference to the Apocalypse. Looks like someone’s been going to Sunday school.

War sitting down for a little chat with Sam and knowing all about his little problem. Nice way to get into Sam’s head without him having to say anything.

Dean with demon black eyes. Yowza. Is it, like, totally wrong to say just how amazingly good he looks with black eyes?

Dean’s little “Hi Jo” in the midst of the gunfight. Too cute.

That despite the fact that he’s pissed at him, Dean’s first priority is to go and save his brother.

Sam cutting off War’s finger to get the ring off and stop his power over everyone. Pretty clever since they knew they couldn’t actually kill him. Nicely done, boys.

The brothers sitting down for a heart to heart on a park bench. We’ve seen the “it’s the end of the show, now we need to talk” speech done in a lot of places and it was nice to see something new.

Sam deciding to leave Dean and stop hunting for a while – and Dean agreeing with him. Very heavy stuff and a very interesting direction for the show to take. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

Dean offering to let Sam take the Impala. Aw man, that was so sweet. I seriously got a little teary-eyed at that.

Overall an action packed episode that brought back a couple of my favorite characters and delivered some good brotherly angst.

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: Sympathy for the Devil

by on Sep.13, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

Season 5 starts off with a bang in this episode. The Apocalypse we’ve all been dreading since last year is now upon us as Lucifer has been set free. The direction the show has decided to go with the angels, etc is very bold. As I watched this episode I had to wonder if there were any fans out there who were having trouble with it. As for me I am finding it very fascinating, the lines between what we consider “good” and “evil” being blurred as much as they are.


Part of the fun every year with this show is seeing what song they will use in the opening montage and what changes they’ve made to the opening title card. AC/DC’s Thunderstruck rocked out nicely and the blood in the water theme of the title card is one of the best yet.

Sam saying “He’s coming” made me giggle for some reason….I mean I’m sure that fact hadn’t gone unnoticed by Dean.

Yosemite Sam! Awesome. Uh oh…poor Dean is in a plane and it nearly crashes?? Poor guy’s never getting on a plane again.

Whoa, guess there’s no doubt that the Apocalypse has started, judging by what the boys hear on the radio.

Dean’s “your eyes went black?” – wow, he’s definitely still having trouble with Sam’s powers.

Dean drawing the sigil and sending away the angels. Also his “Learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch!” was so sweet.

Sam trying so hard to apologize and Dean trying so hard to hide the fact that he really can’t forgive him for what happened.

The fact that they not only put in a fangirl writing fanfiction but that she was writing WINCEST!!! LOL!! I really love how this show embraces their crazy fans so much.

The fangirl’s response to meeting Sam and Dean, especially the fact that she was more excited to meet Sam and wouldn’t stop touching him.

Bobby driving up in the Impala! Woohoo! I love Bobby!

Bobby being so pissed at Sam just broke my heart. Gotta admit I didn’t see him being possessed coming at all. What a shock! Especially since he was the one who originally gave Sam and Dean the amulets to keep from being possessed in the first place. Guess he’s going to need to get a tattoo now too.

Meg is back, very interesting. I like this new actress but that kiss was just plain strange for some reason.

Bobby for fighting back and stabbing himself with the demon knife to keep from killing Dean.

This poor guy who’s been chosen for Lucifer’s vessel, the baby crying in the monitor was so creepy and very, very sad.

Ha! I was right. Last year I kept saying that Dean was going to have to fight Lucifer and probably end up being a vessel to do it. I am predicting that though he’s fighting it now, at some point he will be forced to let it happen. I can’t wait to see what Jensen does with that.

I wonder why Lucifer and Michael have to pick particular vessels. Demons just pick any body they want to use, why do these two have to pick certain men? Wonder if we’ll get that answer at some point.

Cas to the rescue!! About time we get to see Cas kick some serious ass. Seeing him wield that knife makes me wonder if we’ll end up seeing Dean (as Michael) in all out knife fight with Lucifer. Demon blade versus Angel blade.

Hm…that is an interesting question – who did save Cas and put Sam and Dean on that plane? Demons??

Ouch. A sigil carved to the ribs doesn’t sound like fun at all.

That speech by Lucifer was absolutely amazing. “Sympathy For the Devil” was an appropriate title for this episode as that is pretty much what I felt. Really made me take a closer look at what I thought I knew (which admittedly isn’t much , having only attended a few Sunday School classes a very long time ago) about God, angels, etc. By the time she was done I actually wanted the guy to say yes! Wow.

Bobby yelling at the doctors, too funny. But I guess that means that though Cas got Zachariah to fix Sam and Dean, he didn’t get him to fix Bobby too.

Dean telling Bobby that he wants to take everyone on – demons, angels, etc and not let them battle it out on Earth. Is it wrong that I actually want this battle to take place? I don’t want people to die but I’m really dying to see Lucifer and Michael go at it.

Dean finally admitting to Sam that he can’t forgive him, doesn’t trust him and they’ll never be what they were before… Once again Kripke, you’ve torn out my heart. Thanks for that.

Overall a fantastic start to what may very well be the last season of this fantastic show. Full of demons, angels, the apocalypse, some good Sam and Dean angst and a whole bunch of new questions about the coming season.


Disagree? Have something to add? Want to suggest something for me to review? Post a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: The Monster At The End Of This Book

by on Aug.22, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

I was looking forward to this episode before it even aired, having heard about it from Jared and Jensen themselves. They announced at the LA Supernatural convention in March that there was an ep coming that was a “salute to the fans” and I was dying to see it. When I did, it fulfilled all my dreams and then some.

It’s frightening how much the show seems to know about us fans, what we say about them, what we write in our fanfiction, etc. The fact that they could make fun of both us and themselves in such a way that all of us could have a laugh and enjoy it, was great.


When this aired, I had no idea what LARPing was or that people even did that. (Do people really do that??)

The books didn’t sell a lot of copies, they had more of an “underground following” – huh, that does kinda sound familiar….

Loved this line from Dean: “I’m full frontal in here, dude!”   …..Hey wait. No fair! We didn’t get to see….erm…..I mean…..*coughs*

Another great line: “for fans, they sure do complain a lot” – hahahahaha!!! That’s what I always say too.

Another freaking hilarious line – Dean: “Like….together, together???  They do know we’re brothers, right?” …then Sam: “Doesn’t seem to matter.”  LOL!!! I hear ya boys, I heard ya.

“The best part are when they cry”….OMG I have SOOO said those words and I’ve said them about each of those eps. Krikpe….have you been reading my mail? *looks over shoulder nervously*

The girl testing Sam and Dean about their own history was classic.

Why is it that whenever Dean shows his anti-demon tat he always has that really pissed off look on his face?

“A cruel, cruel, capricious God”….yep, that about describes Krikpe, I think.

“Horror is one thing….but to be forced to live through bad writing…” –  As a writer, I really appreciated that line.

Wow, Dean has read Slaughterhouse Five. Jeesh! Even I haven’t gotten around to that one yet.  

Dean sitting in a laundrymat reading about himself sitting in a laundrymat reading about himself….okay I’m dizzy again. That’s two eps in a row where they’ve done that to me.

Okay seriously, I know this is completely off topic but all these iPhone commercials showing all those cool aps really, really makes me want one and I have absolutely no need for an iPhone. Sigh….maybe someday.

Eek! Another new Supernatural commercial! Stop it, you guys are killing me!

Too many great lines, here’s another awesome one from Dean: “Behave yourself, will ya? No homework. Watch some porn.”…Aw, so sweet. Dean’s gonna make the best Daddy someday.

Once again we see Supernatural do what I think it does so well. It takes an episode whose premise is inherently funny and mixes in a touch of drama and angst, carrying on the story arc when we least expect it.

The Winchester Gospel….now there’s a book I’d buy.

Oh man, Sam was so scared that Dean knew about him drinking demon blood. Poor Sam, he has to know that Dean will find out someday. There’s just no way a secret like that can stay hidden forever.

Wow, watching Dean actually pray…..that was heavy.

You can see how much Cas really wants to help and just can’t. His solution was pretty ingenious though, telling Dean to bring the Prophet to where Lilith was so an archangel could get her. Good job, Cas!

As a writer I feel for the Prophet. Not so sure I’d want some of my stories and characters to come to life.

Hmmm….Dean vs an archangel in a quick draw…you know, I’d like to see that exercise too. That’d be one heck of a fight.

Ooohh…”Self sacrifice is the Winchester way” – boy does Lilith know this family or what?

Nice of them to put in a line about the dental hygienist inside Lilith’s meat suit wanting Sam too. Otherwise there would’ve been tons of fangirls talking “rape” again.

“What am I supposed to do?” ….. “What you always do, write.” – man, that could be the quote of my life.

Overall an episode that was both hysterically funny and very dramatic, mixing them together very well.


Disagree? Have something to add? Want to suggest something for me to review? Post a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

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Positively Positive Review – Supernatural: It’s a Terrible Life

by on Aug.22, 2009, under Drama, Horror, Television

In the beginning I did feel a little robbed by this episode. The previous one set us up for some wonderful Dean angst, with him lying in a hospital bed, totally beaten down and not wanting any part of the angels’ war. This ep sort of fast-forwarded through his recovery and I really wanted to see them delve into that more. However if they were going to “fast forward” then I’m glad they did it with this episode as it was a fantastic one, very funny and very eye opening about the guys and who they are.


Smith and Wesson….subtle.

Dean actually saying the words “Project Runway” – especially since I literally just got through watching the premiere not more than one minute ago.

Sam in the yellow polo shirt – classic!

Love Sam’s little Dracula bobble head on his desk.

Nice touch having Sam have the nightmares about their “other” life. Kinda harkens back to the first season, I thought.

The fact that these guys keep coming up with new and unique ways to kill people on this show. The use of a microwave was a new one.

The new Supernatural clip during the commercials! Only a few more weeks left till the premiere!!!

The gratuitous shot of Dean buttoning up his shirt…..thanks Kripke. *happy sigh*

Watching Jensen and Jared acting as if they don’t know each other.

Yikes, that is one strong ghost. He took out both of the guys without even blinking.

Dean without a beer in the house?? That’s sacrilege!!

OMG!! I totally forgot about them finding the Ghostfacers website. So freaking hilarious that they are basically using the advice that Sam and Dean gave them and now Sam and Dean are using that advice from the Ghostfacers…..okay hang on, I’m getting dizzy and I think I might barf.

Never thought I’d see a case based on the current crappy economy. Nicely done, Kripke and crew.

Okay wait…..I stand corrected. The elevator “kill” may have just beat out the microwave.  *gulp*

Good advice Sam, telling Dean to take the stairs. I love the fact that he didn’t ask Sam for details and Sam didn’t volunteer any either. They just both went on with the job…..just as they would in “normal” mode.

Nice teamwork, boys! See? It’s like riding a bicycle.

No Sam! Don’t let creepy electric guy hurt your brother…..erm….or the guy you just met yesterday (depending on your point of view).

Huh….very interesting way to show us that the guys are made for this job and can never get away from it. There they are, in the perfect “normal” lives they’ve always wanted and now Sam wants nothing more but to go back to hunting.

Nice touch. Dean’s dad is “Bob”, his mom is “Ellen” and his sister is” Jo”. And Sam just broke up with “Madison”. Interesting that neither of them got their real lives in their made up pasts.

Okay I gotta say, the fact that Dean’s face, hair color……everything changed with Zachariah touched him was fantastic! Amazing effects work!

Assclowns…..teehee….gonna start using that word now.

Huh….Zach’s got a point. Driving around the country in a classic car doesn’t sound all THAT bad.

Overall a nice “switch” episode that had both brothers involved in the alternate universe this time.


Disagree? Have something to add? Want to suggest something for me to review? Post a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

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