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Tag: Pauley Perrette

Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Masquerade

by on Feb.03, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

Michael Weatherly and Sean Murray in NCIS, season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade” NCIS Masquerade

This episode was full of excitement as the team chases a group of terrorists threatening to set off “dirty bombs” in DC. It had a lot of great team interaction, with everyone working together to catch the bad guy. Sometimes in the past it has felt like we always get the same people working together, McGee with Tony, Ziva with Gibbs, etc. This episode really felt like they mixed it up, McGee with Gibbs, McGee with Ziva, Gibbs and Vance – it was nice to see and I think it worked well.


The very interesting way they presented the body to us this week. Usually it’s by somebody stumbling across a crime scene, but this time we watched it happen on live tv. Very cool.

Seeing Gibbs still in a sling after throwing McGee out of the way of a moving car last week. Now I’m suspicious that perhaps Mark injured himself and that’s why (though I can’t confirm that anywhere), but still, it was very nice continuity.

Tony talking about getting a tweet the led him to a blog linked him to a holiday site and talking about taking dance lessons for National Tap Dance Day (I am so going to search online for that now)

Ziva and Tony talking about Talk Like A Pirate Day! Woot! I thought I was the only one who celebrated that…aaarrrrgggg!

McGee taking part in a wedding online

McGee forgetting that he had a head in a paper bag and chuckling about finding it near a bowling alley. Is it wrong that I chuckled at that, too?

Tony snatching McGee by the collar to pull him away from the radiation. It totally reminded me of Gibbs for some reason – gruffly and without words, Tony snatched his Probie away from danger. So awesome.

Tony worrying about his “Little DiNozzo makers” being exposed to radiation.

Abby full on tackle-hugging Tony in her hazmat suit.

Gibbs asking “what? On my blog?” when Kane said he’d heard of him.

The return of Attorney Hart. Boy, she sure does get herself under Gibbs’ feet a lot, doesn’t she?

Watching Gibbs try to do one of his normal interrogations with Hart there. She tries to break his stride but it doesn’t work and he ends up getting info even she didn’t have. Yeah! Go Gibbs!

Tony and McGee watching Gibbs and Hart from the other room, waiting for Ziva to bring the popcorn. Classic.

McGee coming up with the worst excuse ever to leave an awkward situation. A haircut? Really?

Is it just me or does Gibbs seem a little more chipper these days? Like the way he happily chomped on the popcorn, the funny little comments he made in interrogation when he saw that Hart didn’t know some things about her client, the way he raised his eyebrows at Tony in Abby’s lab when Tony noted how hot Vega’s girlfriend was….now I’m saying he’s going soft, not by a long shot, it was just nice to see is all.

Tony and Ziva debating over who would win in a fight between Hart and Gibbs

Tony’s quiet “come on, Ziva” when the two of them were in the warehouse and she finally started talking about Saleem and what he did to her. I like that he didn’t push her too hard but just enough. Great to see these two becoming friends again after the fiasco last year.

Abby staying in her hazmat suit because she thought it was cool and liked the way it sounded. I could totally see myself doing something like that.

Gibbs and Ducky stumbling upon Palmer tap dancing to his iPod and mentioning that Tony invited him to a National Tap Dance Day celebration. I love that they’re still hinting at the friendship between those two. I just wish we’d see more of it.

Gibbs and Vance both spotting the same thing in Vega’s record at the same time.

The dentist’s very creepy references to how perfect Vega’s teeth were.

The conversation between Tony and Attorney Hart about hair. I think she’s right about Tony’s hair…and Gibbs’ too, for that matter.

Gibbs letting Hart think that he was letting her client go because of her….when he really just wanted to tail the guy.

The way Tony and Ziva casually continued their conversation during the stakeout, even after she got out of the car.

Without saying anything, Gibbs managing to talk Vega into signing the attorney waiver and then jumping down his throat the moment he did.

Tony saying “don’t make me say it, McGee” and McGee replying “we’ll be careful, Tony” when Gibbs and McGee go to look for the bomb. Again, I just love how they’re playing Tony as protective of his team, just as much as Gibbs.

McGee disobeying Gibbs’ order to leave while he dealt with the bomb. Yeah right, like McGee (or any of the team for that matter) would ever do that.

Vance telling Kane that they have “better nerds” than he does…..and finding out it was all a bluff. Nice!

Gibbs realizing that maybe leaving his door unlocked all the time is a bad idea when he comes home to find Hart sitting in his living room.

Watching the tension between Gibbs and Hart building up and knowing where it was going to lead. Gibbs is right; she only seems to do charity cases that get her in front of him. I’m curious though how or why she found him in the first place and until we find out, I don’t completely trust her. Though I am intrigued to see where their relationship goes.

The episode cutting away right before Hart and Gibbs kiss! Ahhh! So mean.

Overall a very “teamcentric” episode that I enjoyed a lot.

More NCIS….
NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Jet Lag

by on Jan.27, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

Michael Weatherly and Cote DePablo in NCIS, season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”. NCIS Jet Lag

Okay I’m gonna make another confession here. I had to watch this episode twice before I could think of anything to say about it. Not because it was bad, not at all, but because it confused me. I couldn’t help but wonder where it was trying to go with the whole “Ziva and Tony stayed in the same hotel room but who slept where?” part.

But after a second viewing, I got it. You see, I’m still a relatively new viewer to NCIS, having only been around since the summer before season 6 premiered. So I had to think back on when I was watching the DVD’s for season 3 and that’s when I remembered how much Tony and Ziva flirting they gave us back then. Episodes like “Under Covers” and “Boxed In” had them flirting, making innuendos, even faking sex with each other. I liked it. I may not be a fan of those two actually getting together anytime soon, but I still got a kick out of seeing them play off each other like that.

So once I realized that just because Tony and Ziva were in Paris (like Gibbs and Jenny, and we all know where those two ended up), it doesn’t mean the show is necessarily going the “Tiva” route. After that, I was able to relax and enjoy it. Then I was able to see the other part of the show I liked, which was more interaction with Gibbs and McGee, one on one. I like watching Gibbs take the time to train Tim the way he’s trained Tony in the past and this episode gave us that in spades.


Seeing a truly happy Tony in Paris taking pictures, buying souvenirs and enjoying the sites. Not being the “clown”, but actually acting as though he was having fun.

McGee getting caught with his feet up on his desk and watching something (not work related) on his computer. Totally reminded me of Tony getting caught like that a few times.

Ducky trying to take over for a missing Tony by making a movie reference at the crime scene.

McGee and Gibbs working the case by themselves. I just love watching Gibbs working alone with either of his “kids”.

Gibbs telling the woman’s husband that “our best agents are with her”. I just love it when he says stuff like that cuz he’d never say it when they’re around.

Tony showing his pictures to the witness and musing about what it would have been like if he’d gone into a career that was more creative. Aww.

The look Tony and Ziva shared after telling their witness that they “never get along”. Personally I think it meant that they do get along but don’t want anyone to know it.

Gibbs asking Ducky “you asking me on a date, Duck?” and Abby piping up to ask if she could come along too. LOL.

Ziva telling the Air Marshall that she once killed a man with a credit card. Oh yeah, I totally believe it.

Tony calling the Steward “Mr. Spock”. Funny that calling someone that these days means they look like Zachary Quinto and not Leonard Nimoy

Tony talking Twilight with the Air Marshall while Ziva picked his pocket. LOL’d so hard when he said he was on “Team Edward”.

Ducky telling Tony he was surprised Tony wasn’t already a member of the “Mile High Club” (people who’ve had sex on an airplane) and Tony saying he never said he wasn’t. Yeah, that didn’t surprise me at all, especially with all the stewardesses I’m sure he’s dated in the past.

Gibbs saying “Oh, there’s a time and a place for everything” after being accused of liking it rough. Excuse me while I fan myself ….did it get hot in here all of a sudden? No? Just me?

The man they just accused of being the hitman giving them his EpiPen for the witness and saving her life.

Ziva and the hitwoman getting into a knock down, drag out, girl fight. Go Ziva!

Gibbs throwing himself in front of a car to save McGee. Holy cow! I didn’t expect that at all.

LOLing when McGee asks Gibbs if he hit his shoulder and Gibbs replies “No, the car did.”. So droll, so very Gibbs.

Ziva saying that she thinks Tony’s picture would look better in black and white….and the show making that the final black and white shot. Nice, very nice.

Overall a rather confusing episode that turned into a very good one that was a little different than normal.

More NCIS….
NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Flesh and Blood

by on Jan.13, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

Guest star Robert Wagner and Michael Weatherly in NCIS, season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”. Image from www.daemon’ Tony's father comes to visit in NCIS

I’m going to come right out and say that I was pretty nervous about last night’s episode ever since I heard that we were finally going to meet Tony’s father. The very first thing that drew me to this show was the relationship between Gibbs and Tony and I was worried that meeting Tony’s father was going to ruin that somehow.

I’m one of those fans who always believed that Tony’s father wasn’t likely to be nominated for “Father of The Year”. From the little bits and pieces he’s let slip over the years, I’m not the only one who came to that conclusion. So when I found out that Robert Wagner was hired to play DiNozzo Sr., I got nervous. Then when I saw the preview clips for this ep, I got even more nervous. Tony’s dad coming off as charming and funny? This was not the DiNozzo Sr., I was prepared to accept. I think us fans need Daddy DiNozzo to be a little messed up. We need that because we need Tony to need Gibbs.

As it turned out, I had absolutely nothing to worry about. The writers of this show must know what we fans are thinking, because last night’s ep was very nearly like a dream come true.

In fact, there is so much I loved about it that I’m not going to do my normal “highlights” section of this review. Because if I did, it would be way too long and I have plenty to talk about without even going into the moment by moment stuff.

For me there were probably three key scenes that I loved. Truthfully I pretty much loved the entire episode from beginning to end but in order to keep this post from being 3 miles long, I’ll keep it to these three scenes.

Tony confronts his father – finally we hear Tony say what we’ve all wanted him to say to DiNozzo Sr.

Gibbs confronts Tony’s father – Gibbs and Tony’s dad together, alone, in a conference room. Did I already mention that this episode was a dream come true? Okay good, just checking.

Gibbs and Tony hanging out – This final scene nearly had me in tears….okay so it DID have me in tears actually but I was afraid to admit that, not wanting to sound like a complete loon. But it did. So there, I admitted it. But for a fan who loves the idea that Tony is Gibbs’ pseudo son, a replacement of sorts for the daughter he lost – and Gibbs is more of a father to Tony than his real flesh and blood will ever be – oh yeah, it was waterworks central. And I found the matching pocket knives a nice touch.

Overall this has now become one of my favorite episodes of NCIS ever. With Tony’s father turning out to be exactly who so many of us needed him to be, and cementing the relationship between my two favorite characters on the show. Robert Wagner did a fantastic job and I for one would love to see him come back again.

Oh and for any interested in seeing even more comments about this episode, feel free to check out my other blog.

More NCIS….
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Ignition

by on Jan.06, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

McGee gets to pilot a jetpack, and run the team, in NCIS, season 7, ep 11 “Ignition”. Image from www.daemonstv.comMcGee gets to take the lead...and the jetpack controls in NCIS

In this episode, Gibbs let McGee take the lead because jetpacks to him are like movies to Tony. He knows everything about the subject and will talk relentlessly until either someone tells him to shut up or he gets a headsmack from Gibbs (which he did).

As a Tony lover (who also loves McGee too) I thought it was interesting that though Gibbs let McGee run with the case, he was still standing by to guide him along the way. It reminded me of what Gibbs did with Tony in last season’s episode “Bounce”.

But the first time Tony had to run things on his own (in season 3’s “Bait”), no one was there to help. So I thought about it and realized that the hand-holding phase for Tony would’ve been over by then. But with McGee, we get to see it happening. We get to see Gibbs actually teaching him how to be team leader.


The entire discussion about the internet with Tony, Ziva and McGee. Gibbs walking in with his newspaper after all their complaints about needing a better way to get the news was perfect.

Ducky and Palmer riding in on an ATV. The look on Palmer’s face was priceless when he said “he wouldn’t let me drive…I begged and begged.”

Finding out that McGee has a Powerpoint presentation about jetpacks.

McGee earning a headslap for droning on and on to Gibbs about jetpacks.

Palmer doing his first solo autopsy….on a squirrel. I love that Ducky encouraged him to go ahead with his story.

Tony and Ziva trying to sneak out on a repeat performance of McGee’s Powerpoint, and being caught by Gibbs.

McGee realizing the price of being in charge….like not being able to go visit the jetpack factory.

Tony reaching over to sneak a touch on the jetpacks after the guy turned his back. That’s so Tony.

Whoa, Team Gibbs might be in trouble with this new lawyer. She’s really got their number……and Gibb’s too. Loved that he asked her if she was ever a redhead and that he even snapped a little at Ducky, a very rare occurrence. Oh yeah, I agree with Ducky, she’s getting to him.

The team fooling the captain into thinking they were after Banshee when they were really after him.

McGee getting to “fly” a jetpack….from the ground, but hey, I’m sure he still enjoyed it.

Tony’s sideway glance at Gibbs when he talked about Hart’s “icy blue eyes”. Too funny as I think everyone in the world has described Gibbs’ (and Mark’s) eyes with that exact same phrase.

Gibbs figuring out that there was a connection to Colonel Bell and Hart. Ooooh…this could get interesting.

Overall a great “McGee-centric” episode that let our little Probie spread his wings a little.

More NCIS….
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Faith

by on Dec.16, 2009, under Crime, Drama, Television

Pauley Perrette (and Santa) in NCIS, season 7, episode 10 “Faith”. Image from www.daemonstv.comAbby and a very thin Santa in NCIS

Call me a softie, call me a baby, call me a girl… me whatever you want but the ending of this episode had me choked up and I’m not afraid to admit it. I got choked up at the end of last year’s Christmas episode too, but this one beat that moment by far. This time rather than just one happy “aw shucks” ending, we got no less than three.

First off Gibbs and his father were at odds with each other through the whole episode. Gibbs finally finds out what’s happening with his dad and we get our first touching moment as a son has to console a father who has been forced to take a life.

Second is the story of Tony and his Secret Santa gift. Apparently the woman whose name he pulled out of the hat this year is known as a major grump and he doesn’t know what to get her. Ziva convinces him to “kill her with kindness” and we get the second moment that made me tear up. Tony took the time (by snooping into a personnel file, but that’s just how Tony does things) to find out that when she was a little girl, “Miss Grinch” never got the doll she always wanted. When Tony presents the now adult woman with the doll, the look of happiness on her face (as well as Ziva’s look of pride in the background), brought on the water works.

Finally we had McGee and a little boy who just wanted to see his mom for Christmas. Since the mom was on a destroyer in the middle of the Indian Ocean, this was not an easy task, but one especially suited to McGee. I knew all along that he’d make it happen but still, when he did I was blubbering once again. As our very own (not so tiny) Tim told the little boy to close his eyes and make his wish, I had to wipe away the tears. Then when mom came on the screen, I was a goner.

The fact that the whole ending sequence was done to the tune of Blue October’s “Kangaroo Cry” (which just so happens to be one of my favorite songs from the original NCIS soundtrack), didn’t help matters at all.

Other highlights….

Finally seeing lots of snow on this show. I know it’s hard for them to shoot but whatever…yay snow!

Gibbs calling Tony “bubble butt”

Finding out that Gibbs builds toys at Christmas for kids in a children’s hospital.

Tony and Ziva getting into an old fashioned bar brawl with a bunch of “red throats”.

Ziva quietly saying “he knows something” as Tony was interrogating a suspect on the other side of the glass. The way she said it, it felt like she knew Tony would get the message. Once again it shows me how close this team is and how well they know each other.

McGee gleefully jumping up and running over to Ziva’s desk so that they could both enjoy Tony’s discomfort over talking to “The Grinch”. It’s something that Tony would have done and I’m getting a kick over seeing McGee acting so much like his “older brother”.

Abby’s skeleton oven mitts (I so want a pair now) and the ginger bread Abby cookies she made for everyone.

Ziva’s beautiful blue coat. I want one of those now, too.

Ducky saying “there is a roose to be goasted”. Drunk Ducky is awesome….even if he was just faking it.

Gibbs’ hand gently rubbing his father’s shoulder as they talked about the shooting. Gibbs does that sometimes when consoling people and I just think it’s so sweet. It’s like since he doesn’t usually use a lot of words, he makes up for it with gestures like that.

McGee kissing Abby on the cheek after she told him he’d make a good Santa and their hug. So cute!

Overall a truly heartwarming Christmas episode that helped me to get even more into the spirit this year.

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More NCIS….
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”

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