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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Borderland

by on May.12, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

NCIS Borderland McGee Tony Gibbs

You know, it’s episodes like this one that make me really happy that I’m a blogger. ‘Borderland’ was so good that, as soon as the final credits rolled, I couldn’t wait to talk about it. I wanted to shout from the rooftops how wonderful it was and luckily I have a forum that allows me to do just that.

Anyone want an example of how to write a good drama with amazing characters that the audience really cares about? Take a look at NCIS. Seven seasons in and this drama is just as interesting (if not more so) than it was in the very beginning.

My favorite parts were all the Abby and Gibbs scenes. We all know that Gibbs sees her like the daughter he never got to see grow up, but we don’t often get to see those two get serious. Well this episode put a chance to all that as Abby is put on the trail of a cold case and discovers that her victim was killed by the man she loves like a father.


The big red bow on the car in the crusher. So cute…..well right up until the car started bleeding.

This line – “eew! What are you like, forty?” – LOL! That was awesome!

Tony in the Groucho Marx glasses

Gibbs giving his hat to the little boy. Aww!

Abby’s entire red outfit. From the shirt to the cuffs to the collar and the matching phone. Loved it.

This line – “What the biohazardous material is this?” – I am so gonna be using that one.

Palmer and Ducky both doing pretty good Fred Flintstone imitations.

Abby going off on how she hoped that McGee wasn’t going to be her escort and then him walking in the door. LOL.

Eeeew! I got no problem with blood and gore, but feet? Ick.

Alejandro calling McGee “McGoo”. So cute how jealous McGee is of that guy.

Tony’s terrible yet sorta funny “out on a limb” joke. It was bad but hey, at least he figured out that the tats on the feet meant that the killer was targeting bikers.

Abby’s dressing down of the student who tried to give her trouble in class. Don’t these people know not to mess with a forensic scientist? I love that Abby could not only tell how many cats the woman had but also that she was ovulating. Nice.

Recognizing the church during Abby’s fieldtrip as the same one seen in Gibbs’ flashback to when he killed the man responsible for the death of his family. That’s when I knew my suspicions about this episode were right.

McGee offering himself up as a hostage in exchange for Abby and her students.

Knowing as soon as the Reynosa gave Abby the bullet that it was going to turn out to be a lapua, the same kind of ammo that Gibbs used when he was a sniper.

How many times the phrase “toe cheese” was used in the span of 30 seconds. Kinda icky but also pretty darn funny.

Abby’s pajamas. So cute!

McGee and Abby figuring out that Tony and Ziva lied about who took the couch in Paris.

Abby packing up her stuff to leave after she realized that McGee forgot to use bottled water on his toothbrush. Uh oh, poor McGee.

Abby’s version of an alarm clock being a device that causes a minor explosion. So didn’t surprise me at all.

The fact that as soon as Abby realized who murdered Pedro, she immediately started questioning how she ended up on that particular cold case. Have to admit that I hadn’t even thought of it like that. I just assumed it was a coincidence. I totally should have known better. *gives self a head slap*

Poor McGee sucking back the Pepto as he stepped off the elevator and then Gibbs headslapping Tony for trying to make him sicker. LOL.

Watching Gibbs reaction as he realized that the man on Ducky’s was Pedro. Amazing how much Mark can convey without saying a word.

Gibbs arriving in Abby’s lab and the two of them not able to say what they really wanted to with McGee in the room. Turns out Pauley is just as good at saying a lot without words as Mark is. Wow, great scene.

McGee admitting to Tony that he programmed Tony’s browser to automatically “Next” him every 10 seconds.

The entire final scene between Gibbs and Abby in the basement – Abby’s disappointment in finding out that Gibbs actually killed someone in cold blood. Both of them knowing that it wasn’t an accident that she found out. Abby begging Gibbs to tell her that she’s wrong and that it’s all a mistake and him saying that he can’t. Abby asking him to tell her how much like a daughter she is to him and how much he loves her and then admitting that it won’t help, but what will is him telling her that he will love her, not matter what……and then the scene ending there before he replies. Wow. *wipes away tears*

Overall a very nice way to kick off what looks to be another great season finale from this series.

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NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 15 “Jack Knife”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 19 “Guilty Pleasure”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 20 “Moonlighting”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 21 “Obsession”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Obsession

by on May.05, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

NCIS Obsession

I really liked how much we got to see a serious Tony in this episode. Like Gibbs said in ‘Flesh and Blood’, Tony likes to play a clown but we all know that’s just his way of dealing with things. Gibbs drinks bourbon and builds boats, and Tony goofs off. Different solutions, same results.

Tony doesn’t like to expose that soft underbelly of his, preferring to hide behind a nearly constant barrage of pranks, movie references and silliness. It’s only when he becomes a little more somber, that we get a peek into what might really be going on in that mind of his.

In this episode, Tony mysteriously becomes obsessed with the sister of a man whose murder the team is tasked to solve. I felt like we never really understand why he does it, but then again, do any of us really know why we become obsessed with someone or something? Like the rest of us, Tony is simply human and I don’t think even he understood why he reacted to the woman the way he did.

In the end, the woman dies (already poisoned before they find her) and much like Ziva and her ‘Dead Man Walking’, Tony never gets the chance to really get to know her.


Pausing my DVR to look at all the pics on Tony’s Facebook-like homepage. I love that he added the pic he took of Ziva in Paris, and that there’s one up there I didn’t recognize from any ep, making me wonder if it’s a shot of Michael that they got permission to use. Nice touch.

The chick Tony is dating updating not only her status, but Tony’s to say that they were in a “committed relationship”….without telling him. I wonder how many times that has really happened to someone?

The look on Gibbs’ face when Hart showed up in Vance’s office, wearing a temp employee badge.

Abby snapping at Palmer, but Tony knowing immediately how to handler her, by giving her a hug before he asked her a question. So cute.

The roundhouse high five between Tony and Palmer. Loved it!

Tony threatening to “GibbsSlap” McGee. I love how that has become a word. LOL.

Palmer finding something on the body that Ducky missed. As much fun as it was to have him be the butt of the joke last week, I also like that he’s starting to grow up and be more a part of the investigations.

Abby holding her ground with Hart and not allowing a tour when she didn’t want it. Go Abby!

The way Tony said “sounds nice, man” to the guy playing the saxophone outside the bookstore. Kinda reminded me of when Tony had to play a street musician once when he was undercover. Maybe he appreciated the guy’s music since he’d done it himself.

The way Gibbs said “Got to go, Captain” and then cut off the man who had cut him off earlier. Ha! Nobody messes with Gibbs.

Gibbs putting on his glasses to look at the screen in Abby’s lab. I just love it when he wears those.

Ducky’s story of the infamous ‘umbrella murder’ reminding me that I wrote something exactly like that in a story once. Too weird.

Gibbs saying that if he started locking his front door, he wouldn’t have any social life. LOL! Too true.

McGee once again showing some jealousy after seeing another man paying attention to Abby. Now there’s a couple I actually wouldn’t mind seeing get together on this show.

Ziva worrying about Tony becoming obsessed with Dana. Unlike McGee, I saw no jealousy from her, only concern which was nice considering all that happened with them in the past year.

Tony playing a few keys on the piano in Dana’s house. It really made me feel like he was trying to connect with her any way he could.

Ziva coming up with a movie reference. Nice.

Knowing the moment that Tony took his phone outside that he was talking to Dana.

Gibbs’ description of a microfiche as a “kind of 1970’s version of a flashdrive”. LOL that was awesome, and very accurate.

Tony’s meeting with Dana. I love how he was so quiet and still when he was with her, as if he was trying not to scare her since she’d already been through so much.

The look on Tony’s face when he realized that Dana had been poisoned too. Poor Tony. *whimpers*

Getting to hear Gibbs speak Russian again. Now if he would do that with his glasses on, I think I could die happy. LOL.

Tony showing up in Gibbs’ basement after coming from the hospital and watching Dana die. Like the end of ‘Flesh and Blood’ this whole scene was basically like watching nearly every fanfiction story I’ve ever read come to life. It just confirms what so many of us knew, that when Tony has a really rough day, he seeks out Gibbs as his pseudo father figure.

Gibbs telling Tony that rule #10 (‘never get personally involved in a case’) always gives him trouble too, proving once again how alike they are. So awesome.

Overall a great Tony-centric episode that showed us a much different DiNozzo than the one we usually get to see on the show.

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NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
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NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 15 “Jack Knife”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 19 “Guilty Pleasure”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 20 “Moonlighting”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Moonlighting

by on Apr.28, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

NCIS Moonlighting Abby McGee Susa

This week’s episode of NCIS was a little different than I expected and once again, like last week’s episode of Supernatural, I’m totally blaming it on the preview. I swear I’m gonna stop watching the darn things because they keep giving me the wrong impression of what the upcoming episode will be like.

Last week’s preview of ‘Moonlighting’ gave me the distinct impression that it was going to be pretty serious, with Gibbs getting hooked up to a polygraph and having to face the demons from a past he’s trying very hard to forget (like for instance having shot the man who killed his first wife and child). But that wasn’t the case at all. This week’s ep wasn’t necessarily all that serious and as for Gibbs on the polygraph, well that scene happens mostly as a joke and barely lasts a few minutes.

So once again, I found myself having to forget what I thought I knew about the ep, and simply enjoy it…..and there was a lot to enjoy. McGee and Tony’s constant (and good natured) ribbing of each other continues as Tony finds out that the Probie has been spending way too much time online.

Hmm….considering how much weight Sean Murray has lost this season, maybe they should have McGee take up a more strenuous hobby, like maybe jogging or something. Personally I never thought McGee looked bad before but yay for Sean for dropping what looks to be some serious lbs (I’d wager at least 20). I too have been working on losing weight (20 lbs and counting so far for me too) so I applaud anyone who makes the commitment.

Oh and speaking of Sean (and going off on a slight tangent) – I just heard he and his wife had their second child this week (a boy named River), congrats to them!

Okay now back to our regularly scheduled programming…..

I also loved that we got to see a lot of Palmer in this episode – he fits in nicely with the Tony and McGee, giving them someone else to pick on than each other. Since those two are being portrayed more as friends these days (which I am loving!), it’s kinda funny to watch them give Palmer some of the hell they used to give each other.

Speaking of boys giving each other hell, Gibbs and Fornell totally remind me of Tony and McGee sometimes themselves. Gibbs making cracks about Fornell’s beard, Fornell getting a kick out of watching Gibbs take a polygraph (with its “sphincter sensor” – LOL!), they’re just as much fun to watch as the other “boys”.

Plus there was the fun of McGee being in the awkward situation of having to deal with the woman who had a crush on him.


The many ‘Gremlins’ references made about Palmer. Especially Gibbs saying “don’t get him wet”.

The two “dudes” trying to give a description of the other “dudes” they saw drive away from the murder scene. Seriously, when did Bill and Ted get to DC?

Gibbs telling Fornell that he’s going to start calling him “The Gambler” because of his undercover beard. LOL!

Palmer continuously saying the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times….and still not learning his lesson (no matter how many Gibbs’ glares he receives).

Tony spotting Sacks’ name on the report he was checking over and hoping that the man was the leak. Hey, can’t say I blame Tony for that.

Watching how fast McGee scooted out of the room when the Susan said she thought it was fate that brought them together. LOL.

Palmer joking that maybe the victim with the rabbit’s foot should try and get their money back….because obviously it didn’t work. Okay yeah, totally inappropriate but still freaking funny!

Abby trying to hide her jealousy over McGee and Susan. The look on her face when she found them blowing up a mattress in her lab was classic.

McGee begging Gibbs to let him go with Tony instead of Ziva so he could get away from Susan. He looked like such a little kid! LOL.

Tony giving McGee what sounds like very mature advice to give Susan a chance…..until he admits that it’s because he has a feeling she has a nice ass. Yep, that’s more like the Tony we know.

Ziva saying “Shamu” when she meant “SNAFU” – LOL! (Note: for any who don’t know “SNAFU” stands for “situation normal: all fucked up”)

Fornell and Vance in the other room giggling like little children as Gibbs gets his first-ever polygraph exam at NCIS.

Gibbs still managing to get out of answering the “have you ever committed a felony?” question. Whew. That was a close one.

Gibbs using what he knew after sitting for his own polygraph, to catch the judge in her lies. Nice. Loved all the “bells and whistles” (no doubt added by McGee).

Tony and Ziva running in terror from a shirtless Palmer covered in welts from his henna tattoo and needing someone to put salve on his back. Palmer looks good without a shirt, I’ll admit it, but I’d probably be running just as fast as they were cuz…you know….ick.

Overall a much lighter episode than I was expecting this week, with great appearances from Palmer and Fornell.

Want to know every time I add a new NCIS review? Be sure to subscribe to The Positively Positive!

More NCIS….
NCIS Superbowl 2010 Ad
NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 15 “Jack Knife”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 19 “Guilty Pleasure”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Guilty Pleasure

by on Apr.07, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

NCIS Guilty Pleasure

In this week’s episode we are introduced to a new couple within the team – Tony and…..McGee?

No folks, it’s not what you think. In “Guilty Pleasure” Tony and McGee aren’t admitting to a romance. It’s a “bromance”, and I for one, love it. Tony and McGee make perfect partners/friends and the fact that they are starting to realize it, makes it even better.

The episode begins with the two getting into a little lover’s tiff over some miscommunication, causing Ziva to compare them to a married couple with a “seven year bitch” (she of course meant “itch”). Later in the episode Tony meets up with his (seemingly) perfect match. Another guy who dresses like he does, quotes movies and overall just “gets it”. McGee is not happy, though he does his best to hide it.

In the end, Tony breaks up with his new bro-mate and goes back to McGee. They go right back to bickering happily, just as they should.


The guy yelling at the chick to “get off Facebook and dial!”

Gibbs telling Ziva that Tony and McGee were not like a fighting married couple because “they’re still speaking”. Oh Gibbs, how you slay me.

Tony telling McGee “you were funnier when you were fatter.” – I’m kinda with Tony on this one. That “why did the dead guy cross the road?” joke was pretty bad.

McGee starting to get a little grumpy when Gibbs ordered Tony to work with Detective McCadden.

The look on Gibbs’ face when Abby started discussing why she wouldn’t be able to be a prostitute even though she met some of the “qualifications”.

Tony and McCadden bonding over movies and Tony calling him “McC”

Wondering just exactly what it was that Holly whispered into Gibbs’ ear and how it could be a “deal breaker”

Abby and Holly comparing their very different taste in shoes.

McGee asking what all of Holly’s code words meant…..and being instructed to check the internet. LOL.

Tony thinking that a smoking jacket was…..classy?

Tony’s surprise at getting a little more than he bargained for when his “date” started smacking him around a little.

Tony saying “Daddy’s gonna make wee-wee”. Really, Tony? Really??

Totally suspecting the lawyer as soon as I laid eyes on him.

McGee referring to Tony and his new bro-mate as “T-Cad” and wondering what he’d think if he knew that some people (*cough* fans *cough*) refer to him and Tony as “McNizzo”?

McGee using his iPhone to pull up a suspect’s rap sheet. My how technology (and the show) has grown in seven years.

McGee muttering to himself gloomily after Tony forgot his Nutter Butter cookies……and it making me totally crave Nutter Butters. Damn you, McGee. *adds them to her shopping list*

After Tony and McCadden leave, McGee sadly saying what HIS favorite call-girl movie was, even though he was never asked.

Abby of course being able to spot that McGee was very sad over losing his Tony.

Abby asking Gibbs to give her hug to McGee….and the look Gibbs gave McGee before being told he didn’t need one. ROTFLMAO!!!

Tony defending McGee and saying “there is no better” when McCadden suggested that he deserved better. Awwww! Too cute!

Tony defended McGee again and pointing out that “we’ve got nothing” after McCadden was hard on McGee for having nothing…..and then telling the detective he could go. I guess the bromance is over.

Finding out that I was right about the lawyer. Ha!

Gibbs blowing away the bad guy and saving the damsel. Gotta love an ending like that.

Tony referring to himself as an “NCIS geek” when breaking off his “date” with McCadden. Once again I say….Awwww!

Tony and McGee bickering again, and watching as Ziva smiled at them, knowing how much they love it.

Finding out that what Holly wanted in exchange for her help was simply a dinner with Gibbs, without expectations.

Feeling a little sorry for Gibbs when he said he didn’t have many friends, and him being to finish his dinner alone.

Overall I loved all the Tony and McGee interaction in this one and look forward to seeing more of those two being portrayed as partners and friends.

More NCIS….
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NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 15 “Jack Knife”

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Positively Positive Review – NCIS: Jack-Knife

by on Feb.10, 2010, under Crime, Drama, Television

NCIS Jack-Knife

I have to say that I got a big kick out of this episode and it was tons of fun to watch, with the team getting together with a couple old friends – Fornell and Damon Werth for a road trip. Between McGee on a caffeine high, Gibbs and Fornell’s hilarious banter, Tony being the quiet one for once and Ziva and Werth flirting – I liked it all. It almost didn’t even feel like a normal episode of the show, with all the old friends coming along for the ride.


McGee suggesting that he could feed Gibbs’ fish and that Gibbs could eat them. LOL.

Gibbs knowing there was someone in his house just from the fact that McGee didn’t mention the t-bone supposedly in the fridge.

McGee’s reaction to Gibbs asking him to “Get Ziva and DiNozzo out of bed.” – hilarious!

The sight of Fornell in his robe and him asking Gibbs not to look chipper.

I’m with McGee, sometimes I wish my brain had an on-ff switch too when I’m trying to go to sleep.

McGee falling so dead asleep that he didn’t even notice when Gibbs and Fornell got in the car.

The amount of times they managed to say “knot” and “not” in the space of two minutes.

Gibbs and Fornell bickering in Ducky’s lab. I swear it sounded like those two were married.

Tony telling McGee “I think there are a lot of people that would like to see you naked” when admitting that he almost stripped McGee and put him in a drawer in autopsy while he was asleep.

McGee sleeping with Bert…..awww. Guess he’s the go-to pillow when anyone needs to catch a few winks.

Abby asking McGee if he had sleeping sickness and it turning out it was just because he was trying to keep up with Gibbs. Have to admit that until then I couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on with him either.

Abby accusing Gibbs of enjoying having McGee as his valet….and him not denying it.

The way Ziva said “good luck with that” when Werth asked the guy not to enjoy patting her down too much.

Tony continuing to hold a grudge after Werth broke his nose. He has a good point – he does only have one nose and it is on his face.

Gibbs trying to put on his sling by himself. He can be such a big baby sometimes, refusing to ask for help.

Gibbs telling Fornell “yeah whatever, you already slept with my wife.”when Fornell remarked how easily he gave over the keys to his car. I know plenty of guys who’d be more worried about the car, especially a stunning ’71 Challenger like that one.

The amount of times they used the word ‘melons’ in the space of one minute.

Laughing at the fact that I actually understood most of what the head guy said in CB talk. Guess watching ‘Convoy’ all those years ago, plus episodes of ‘BJ and The Bear’ is really paying off.

McGee hollering “F U!” at Tony before he realized he was talking about Morse code.

Gibbs and Fornell bickering at the gas station. Those two were scary-good at it. Once again, they totally sounded like an old married couple.

Gibbs with the MOPAR reference! Nice!

McGee totally hopped up on caffeine and for once being more antsy than Tony.

Ziva staring down the truck as it came barreling towards her, more calm than the ex-Marine standing beside her. Whoa.

Gibbs and Fornell ending up in the back of the truck. Sneaky!

Abby asking the guy if he was stupid for paying that much for the ‘Cuda…..before she knew it was the Holy Grail of muscle cars.

Leaning something new. When I go shopping for my muscle car (oh yeah, I’m so getting me one), I’ll be sure to bring a magnet.

Abby rubbing it in the bad guy’s face that she was going to tear his pressure car apart.

McGee asleep on his desk…..again.

Tony finally letting the grudge go, by offering to help Werth find work.

Ziva being sly about whether or not she and Werth were going to be seeing more of each other. I always knew she liked that guy.

Overall an episode that was a rip roaring good time and I hope they keep doing more like it.

More NCIS….
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NCIS Soundtrack, Volume 2 Review
NCIS Season7 Promo
NCIS, Season 7, episode 1 “Truth or Consequences”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 2 “Reunion”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 3 “The Inside Man”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 4 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 5 “Code of Conduct”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 6 “Outlaws and In-Laws”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 7 “Endgame”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 8 “Power Down”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 9 “Child’s Play”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 10 “Faith”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 11 “Ignition”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 12 “Flesh and Blood”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 13 “Jet Lag”
NCIS, Season 7, episode 14 “Masquerade”

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